
1st Christmas with Hubby and my little one...

Thinking back all the Christmas that I have gone through...since young, me and my family will go to church and celebrated this joyful day. As a kid, my only aim was to get the goodie bag at the end of the performance by the kids whom attended the Sunday school.

I then understood the true meaning of Christmas when I was a teenage. It is a day to celebrate the birth of 'Jesus Christ' that brings hope, joy, peace and the redemption of our sins. I no longer crave for goodie bag but I participated in the performance instead. A lot of gift exchange, celebrations, Christmas Carols, dinners, gatherings...

This year's Christmas is slightly different...No party, No gift exchange, No Christmas Carols. The first ever Christmas that I will spend with my wonderful Hubby and My Little One as a family. The greatest gift of all gift exchange that I had so far, HA!


  1. Heey, I didnt know you had a blog...
    you'll visit us on monday right? :D
    Need a welcome party?? hehe

  2. Errr, well...I used to blog since 2006 but stopped blogging towards year end of 2008. 2009 is a new chapter of life, so I resume blogging then...
